Bushel Basket Decorating Ideas

Baskets are truly the classic and timeless rustic decoration element to embellish your modern and rustic-designed home with. Baskets come in different designs and styles and they are also very functional, versatile, and flexible in character. Having baskets for your home lets you alternately use them for many reasons. Thus, you can definitely store many things beautifully and orderly without trying too hard and spending expensive storage and decorative pieces.

One basket type is the bushel basket or wickers. these are typically designed and made to hold bushel quantities of any object and item. It can hold pieces of bread, plants, fruits, and all other lovely things. Moreover, its appearance is sincerely simple but attractive through its lateral conjoined pieces of small planks that resemble closely to a medieval gate.

More than using and having these wicker containers to store your needs at home or your vacation house, you can integrate and make them more accessories and glammed. Here are simple, convenient, and effective bushel basket decorating ideas that you can do without any second thoughts.

As table centerpieces

Bushel baskets are undeniably presentable. They have decent structures that are classic but stylish, and simple but luxurious depending on how you decorate them with. Let us say that these wicker containers are uniquely neutral in style, but it greatly changes their appeal on what you put inside of them.

For your living room center table, you can opt for small sizes of these wickers and use them as alternatives for vases or flower pots.

For your foyers and entryways, you can mount these decorative baskets on every end of the table or place a large-sized wicker underneath the console table. This time, it may not be contained with flowers or fruits, but you can place a small welcome plant inside to give a vibrant and warm outlook as you or your guests enter your home.

Decorate your Kitchen and Dining Tables

You can definitely give life to your dining tables or kitchen counters by decorating them with these wicker containers as an alternative to fruit bowls, vegetable trays, or wine stands. These baskets will look blissful when filled with wine, fruits, and even vegetables or sweets! This decoration idea will be sufficient as a staple for many years to come.


These embellishing wicker containers can go as lampshades. If you are vying for a rustic or minimalist farmhouse interior design theme, this is highly recommended – and it is even a less costly option. You may try using bushel baskets as lamp shades by replacing your worn-out lamps and bulbs, may it be table lamps, pendant lamps, floor lamps, or chandeliers, just insert the cord or wire from the bulb into where the old lamp shade is being installed.

Take note that using this as a lampshade can only disperse less light compared to the diffusing conventional lampshade material. But, it is perfect for emitting direct and concentrated light onto a spot.

For the best decorating method, a lamp shade or pendant lamp using this basket should spot on wall art or any object that needs highlighting. Thus, it is a better option to have it in high or elevated positions.

These baskets can be your minimalist bookshelves

Literally not a bookshelf but a bucket for books. You can place a bushel basket on top of your work or study desk and fill it with magazines, books, brochures, and notepads. If you have a smaller room or house den, opting for a smaller container lets you maximize your space and keep everything intact.

You can arrange your reading materials on a tilting standing position and place a cute figurine beside the basket and this accessory setup will surely be minimalist but fantastically beautiful, unique, and heart-warming.

As decorations on the porch and stairs corners

These baskets can accommodate anything, you can place a bouquet of flowers in every season. Thus, you can put a staple entrance plant to make your facade more vibrant and zesty-looking. These wicker containers will give a clean finish to the potted plant or newly-bought flowers from the groceries, so you don’t need to transfer them to a more beautiful vase or pot.

Other bushel basket decorating ideas in porches and entryways are turning into shoe racks or umbrella baskets. Large wickers are perfect for these decorative storage compartment ideas elevating style and function in your home. You see inspiration here [https://www.pinterest.it/pin/524247212846230215/] to give you insights on how to arrange outdoor or entryway basket racks and umbrella baskets.

As adornments on or beside your fireplace

Whatever you put inside this basket, will surely beautify your fireplace. You can add a Christmas wreath during the holidays, place some candles all year round, or make it as storage for your wine and wine glasses. Beside the container, a photo frame or a figurine will give brilliance to the whole room as it gives a decorated and highlighted glow.

As your vanity and make-up kit container

A bushel basket can truly make a big difference on your vanity mirror, bedroom dresser, or closet. Even a small-sized one can be very functional and orderly if you keep your lotions, perfumes, creams, and beauty and skincare routine items on it. You only need to add a beautiful scent diffuser or flower vase beside it to give it a brightened aura that is chic and fabulous. See here [https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F51%2F23%2Fd9%2F5123d9190f876eefe7a77a07aa4d1c2d.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Fbathroom-perfume-organizer-small-vanity-tray-storage-wicker-etsy–631559547718777904%2F&tbnid=TpZIf1G09Yej2M&vet=12ahUKEwj7gIGSwoH9AhVKnv0HHcMKACIQMygBegQIARBK..i&docid=j5VhWsBn-RvWsM&w=570&h=380&q=bushel%20basket%20on%20vanity%20dresser&ved=2ahUKEwj7gIGSwoH9AhVKnv0HHcMKACIQMygBegQIARBK] for inspiration on how this chic vanity organizer should look.


Your creativity and imagination can always make these bushel basket decorating ideas better. These tips and tricks are only to give you decorating foundations that seem= best, elegant, and versatile for any interior decoration style or theme. Turn your rooms and personal spaces into magical and cozy sanctuaries through the decorating tips and tricks above. Furthermore, you can always add whichever adornments and accessories you want to make it look according to your tastes and preferences. As mentioned, these containers are flexible and versatile, so you can definitely pair and match them with all other accessories you can think of.