DIY Farmhouse Scale


Building a farmhouse scale might be the perfect project for you if you are seeking a creative way to bring some balance and peace into your life while also using up some unused scrap wood. In this tutorial, we will go over what materials and tools to use, how to make the cracks in the wood stand out so that visually appealing lines are created, how to stain your piece of art and several ways for hanging it on a wall.

In this tutorial we will go over step-by-step how to build a farmhouse scale, so you make sure to have all of the materials listed out before starting.


1. 2 pieces of wood, 1-foot long and Â-inch thick (Remember to make sure that your wood is not warped and also cut along the grain)

2. Wood glue

3. Drill with a bit that is slightly smaller than the dowel you will be using.

4. Round dowel or rod for the scale numbers (4 or 5 pieces depending on how big you want your numbers to be)

5. Paint and paint brushes


1. A calculator and a tape measure

2. Measuring tape

3. Pencil

4. Wood plane

5. Sandpaper – 400, 600 and 1500 grit sand paper (I used the 400 grit)

6. Clamps (Clamps are not necessary but they will help with the process and also speed it up)

7. Paint thinner and rags

8. Staple gun and staples

9. Sanding block

Step 1: Creating the base frame.

The first step of this project is to build the base frame. To do this, you will want to simply glue and clamp each end of the 2 pieces of wood together. Use your tape measure to make sure that each end is exactly the same length. After making sure that both ends are straight and even with each other, use your wood plane to sand away any extra wood so that it is exactly even with the other side.

Step 2: Predrilling holes for your dowels of numbers.

The second step of this project is to create the frame for the scale numbers. So, you will want to take your long piece of wood and measure out how far apart you want each number on your scale. Next you will want to use your measuring tape and mark off where each number ends. Now that you have drawn where each number will be, use your pencil to mark a dot on either side of each space. Next, take your drill and drill holes in both dots that you just marked off. Finally, take your round dowel rod and insert it into the holes. You will want to make sure that if you are using a wooden dowel rod, that it is a slightly tighter fit in order to keep it straight once the glue dries, but don’t push it in all the way.

Step 3: Gluing the frame together.

The next step of this project is to glue each side of the frame together. To do this you want to line up each end and glue them together. You will want the wood glue to be somewhat on the dry side or else it will shrink into a clump when you are done. Once all of the pieces are glued together, use your clamps and leave it alone for about an hour to dry.

Step 4: Stain and paint

After you have left your frame in the dark for an hour, you will then want to sand each side down with the 400 grit sandpaper. Once all of that is done, you can carefully start staining your piece of art. You will want to use a fairly light stain with a fairly thin paint consistency. You will then want to paint each side with the same color, letting it dry in between coats. After the first coat has dried, you can then apply 2 more coats of the same color until it is completely dry.

Step 5: Mounting your scale (optional)

After your scale has been created and fully dried for about 24 hours, you will then want to mount your scale onto the wall. You can do this in several ways. You can use a nail or screw and just hammer it into the wall with a drill, but it is better to use some sort of picture/wall hanger to keep your piece in place.

Step 6: Mounting your farmhouse scale onto the wall (optional)

After you have mounted your scale onto the wall, you can then hang it on the wall. To do this, you will want to first drill a hole on the back of your craft with your drill so that you can hang it. Next you will want to screw or glue the wood piece onto it. You can find different ways of making sure that all of the numbers are even with each other, but just make sure that they line up before getting too wrapped up in it and screwing everything together.

Step 7: Mounting the Farmhouse scale onto the wall

After you have mounted the farmhouse scale onto the wall, you can then hang it on the wall. To do this, you will first drill a hole on the back of your craft with your drill so that you can hang it. Next you will want to screw or glue the wood piece onto it. You can find different ways of making sure that all of the numbers are even with each other, but just make sure that they line up before getting too wrapped up in it and screwing everything together.

Step 8: Final Product

After you have mounted the farmhouse scale onto the wall, you can then hang it on the wall. To do this, you will first drill a hole on the back of your craft with your drill so that you can hang it. Next you will want to screw or glue the wood piece onto it. You can find different ways of making sure that all of the numbers are even with each other, but just make sure that they line up before getting too wrapped up in it and screwing everything together.


Congratulations! You have finally completed the farmhouse scale. Your next step will be to enjoy the results of your hard work .