DIY Party Cup Holder with Marker

Why do you need a party cup holder with a marker? Can you make one? What are the steps for this process? All these questions are coming into your mind. You want to host a grand party and impress the surroundings with innovative ideas. You are looking for an environmental-friendly solution as well. You want to make party cup holders. We understand your concerns, and we have the best ideas. You can implement them to impress all.

Many of us try our best to leave a lasting impression while hosting a party. We focus on beverages, decoration, music, theme, and costume. However, we pay little attention to the environment. We use plastics heavily, and most guests throw the cups even without realizing how this activity will impact the environment. A few steps will give your guests a better solution, and you will also feel proud for embracing some ideas that can contribute to your nature.


You can make a party cup holder with a marker. You will find the process easy and can set an example for others. If you are hosting a large party, all your guests will use cups to enjoy beverages. They will enjoy the drinks and keep talking to other guests. They will leave cups when talking to someone and grab one more to enjoy their favorite beverages. Just imagine what will happen if all your guests follow the same approach.

You can see hundreds of plastic cups once the party is over. You can realize the environmental impacts. We all ignore this simple thing and keep doing it without a second thought. Now we are in a world where immediate attention can save the world. You should go ahead even if you can contribute a little. Go ahead and make party cup holders using markers for easy recognition. You can consider beautiful designs to complement your party theme. It will be innovative, exceptional, and worth praising.


As mentioned earlier, it is easy and cost-effective. You can minimize plastic cup usage significantly with this simple step. Also, we will cover a unique design with a marker hole. Your guests can use the marker and write their names on the cup. It is better to use temporary ones to boost the usability of your cup holder. You can also consider permanent markers when you have a fixed guest list.

The best part is that it will require minimal woodwork. You can make this cup holder without knowing the woodwork. However, you will only require drilling to make a hole. Now, we will cover the supplies and the step-by-step instructions. Keep reading and make party cup holders. Serve the environment and use your innovations to make cup holders more appealing. Here are the tips for a party cup holder with marker DIY.


1. 6 x 6 Wood Pallet Art Canvas

2. ? Drill Bit

3. Cricut EasyPress Mini

4. Cricut Everyday Iron-on

5. Chucky Finish White Paint


First, gather all the above supplies, and then you can start your project. Since it is easy, you can make and get perfection even while doing it for the first time. Focus on every step and follow the instructions to make the process simple and hassle-free.


First, you will have to prepare your wood pallet. You can take white paint and apply a few coats to your wood pallet. Also, you can customize the pallet based on your preference. You can consider beautiful designs to grab the attention of your guests. Apply a few coats and allow it to dry. You can use a quality finish paint to get a better look and feel. After drying it up, you can go ahead with the next step.


You can use a paddle-flat bit or ? drill to make a hole in the wood pallet. You will have to make a hole for the marker. However, you can use a pipe strap screw into the side of your cup holder if you do not prefer to pull out the drill. You can do whatever you find convenient.


Now, you can cut the required wording from the Circuit Everyday Iron-on vinyl. Apply it to the front of your cup holder using the EasyPress Mini. You can also consider any design to add a personalized touch.

With these simple steps, you can make your party cup holder with a marker. You can use it when having guests and avoid the waste of plastic. It will serve the environment, and you can save on plastic cups. This innovative idea is cost-effective, environmental-friendly, and inspiring. Your innovation can inspire others at the party. They will feel motivated to explore and try new ideas to serve the environment.


From the above, you have many reasons to go with this idea. Party cup holders will help with numerous benefits. We will cover the top ones in the following.


Plastic cups are not friendly to the environment. More importantly, you can limit the usage of plastic cups or stop using them. You can make party cup holders with markers to restrict usage. All the guests will use those cup holders at your party. Also, the marker will enable them to mark and recognize their cups. Hence, they will not grab one more cup whenever they want beverages. As a result, you can minimize plastic waste and serve your environment.


Plastic cups might not cost you more if you buy a few, but you must consider the overall costs. You can minimize usage, save, and impress your guests with decorative party holders.


All your guests are going to appreciate your innovation. They will love your idea and might try to implement it.

Hosting a party means celebrating a great occasion and creating memories for a lifetime. You can make your party more appealing and successful using your creativity. Go ahead with all your ideas and add party cup holders to minimize plastic waste and make the occasion memorable.